Alain Romanos

Assistant Professor, Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Lebanese University

Dr. Alain Romanos obtained his DMD from the Free University of Brussels (ULB). In 1999, he worked in a private clinic and pursued a postgraduate residency program in the Implantology Department at the Free University of Brussels. In 2000, Dr. Romanos was admitted at the University of Alabama – Birmingham at the General Practice Residency department in the United States followed by three years Residency at the Periodontology Department where he obtained his Master Degree in June 2004.

Dr. Romanos holds a title of assistant professor at the postdoctoral program of Periodontology at the Lebanese University and also serves as Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama – Birmingham, USA.

Currently, Dr. Romanos has a private clinic in Periodontics, Implant and Esthetic Dentistry in Lebanon and he gives advanced courses on soft tissue grafting techniques using alloderm and connective tissue graft, Implant in the esthetic zone, complications and management of failures and Basic Periodontology.

Dr. Romanos is an active member of the American Academy of Periodontics and the Lebanese Periodontal Society where he occupied a position of General Secretary.

Hard Tissue Grafting Techniques for Esthetic Implant: When to Do What?

Alveolar ridge resorption after tooth loss is a common phenomenon. It usually occurs the first 3 months and the resorption can go up to 50 % the first year. Other cases lost their front teeth at an early age and implant was not indicated before finishing their growth, so the loss of a tooth does not coincide with replacement by osseointegrated supported prosthesis and there is frequently a lag of months to years before an edentulous site presents for therapy.

 This often calls for augmentation procedures to increase the height and width of the existing bone to facilitate dental implant placement and restoration. Multiple soft and hard tissue grafting techniques will be decribed before or at time of implant placement.