Bilal Koleilat

Assistant Professor, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Lebanese University

Dr. Bilal Koleilat obtained his dental degree from Saint-Joseph University, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Lebanon. He received his Master of Science in Orthodontics from the University of Kuopio, Finland and a Certificate of lingual orthodontics fom Indiana University, USA.

He is currently Assistant Professor at the Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics at the Lebanese University and a former director of the postgraduate program in the same department.

Certified speaker for the absoanchor - micro implant system, Dr Bilal Koleilat’s main interest in orthodontics is mechanics with special emphasis on SWLF, microimplants and cooperation-free appliances. He has lectured in many countries and he is member of the Lebanese Orthodontic Society, Emirates Medical Association and the European lingual orthodontic society.

Dr. Koleilat maintains a private practice dedicated to Orthodontics in Beirut-Lebanon, and Dubai, UAE.

Lecture title: Pushing the Envelope of Tooth Movement with Microimplant Anchorage

Lecture abstract:  It has been established and well documented the use of microimplants in anchorage control with little or no patient cooperation ; The contemporary orthodontist is able to reduce large overjets, protract intrude upright molars with relative ease.

Microimplants allowed to push the envelope of tooth movement thus reducing the number of extraction cases, mechanotherapies that once were labeled as unusual are now the trend, compromised results are now considered satisfactory with more focus on patient’s occlusal and esthetic needs and concerns.

This has led the practitioner to address treatment planning with a different mindset, question the limitations of old classical protocols and pave the way for new modalities in treating malocclusions.

The aim of this oral presentation is to show through multiple clinical cases how microimplants enabled new perspectives in treatment planning compared to conventional ones.