Ass Professor and Head, Department of Restorative/Esthetic Dentistry and Endodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Lebanese University

Prof. Jabbour Edgard graduated from the Lebanese University in 1987. He earned a Diploma in Oral Biology from the Lebanese University in 1995, then a Master degree in Oral Surgery and Implantology in 1997, followed by Diplome d’Etudes Specialisées en Sciences in Endodontology in 1998.      In 2010, he obtained a Doctorate in Odontological Sciences from the Lebanese University.

Prof. Jabbour held many positions in the Department of Endodontics at the Lebanese University as a responsible for workshop in the undergraduate curiculum, responsible for the post-graduate program and head of the Department of Endodontics.                

He is currently Head of Department of Restorative/Esthetic Dentistry and Endodontics at the Lebanese University.

Lecture title: Endo Microsurgery: ‘The Final Conquest’

Lecture abstract: The aim of endodontic treatment is to disinfect the pulp space (reducing the microbial load and removing necrotic tissue) followed by sealing the pulp canal system to prevent recontamination. However, infection remaining in the inaccessible apical areas, extraradicular infection including apically extruded dentin debris with bacteria present in dentinal tubules, bacterial biofilms, true radicular cysts, and foreign body reactions require surgical intervention. The main goal of root-end surgery is to prevent bacterial leakage from the root-canal system into the periradicular tissues by placing a tight root-end filling following root-end resection. Periapical microsurgery proved to be a successful final procedure in the resolution of these pathologies.