Fatima Zanin

Private Practice

Dr. Zanin received her Doctor in Dentistry from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Brazil, then a Master in Dentistry from Camilo Castelo Branco University, SP, Brazil. She is currently the Director of Biophotonics Center at Brugnera Zanin Institute, SP, Brazil and author of four books in the area of Laser in Dentistry and various chapters in other publications in the laser field. She has over 50 scientific papers in the lasers field published and over 100 lectures and oral presentations delivered in   Brazil and abroad.

Title: Dental Bleaching Using Violet Light: The Great leap as New Perspective for Aesthetic Dentistry

Abstract: Background and Introduction:  Dental Bleaching, a non-invasive technique, is currently part of overall dental treatments and highly associated with the patient´s expectations to improve dental aesthetics. The color of the teeth is a relevant factor in dental aesthetics and the most common method is the use of chemical agents (with and without light), that break down pigments, giving the teeth a lighter shade. Brugnera, AP et al 2018, studied the efficiency of photoactivation of a violet LEDs system, 405-410nmduring bleaching with 35% carbamide peroxide gel and its influence on postoperative sensitivity. Control group had bleaching performed with the same gel without the light, with equal times for the two techniques. Changes in teeth color (immediate, 7days and 14 days after completion of bleaching), teeth sensitivity and satisfaction of participants regarding both techniques were evaluated.  Methods- After being informed of the objectives of the study, 50 participants were selected and randomly divided into a treatment group (n = 25): G1 - Control Group: 35% Carbamide Peroxide gel, (2 sessions, 1 session/week); G2 - Hybrid technique: Violet LEDs + application of 35% Carbamide Peroxide gel, (2 sessions, 1 session/week). The authors used Violet gel-( Whiteform 35%- Formula & Ação, São Paulo –Brazil) and Leds System Bright Max Whitening (MM Optics, São Paulo, Brazil), wavelength ranging from λ405 to λ 410nm with 4 super Leds (Light Emitting Diode) P=100mW each one Total Power = 400mW in order to illuminate all the vestibular surfaces of upper and lower jaws simultaneously, from molar to molar. Light activation: 1 minute on and 30 seconds off. Results- G2: violet LED + 35% CP gel was more effective than G1 35% PC gel, at the same times applied in this study.  The great leap of the use of Violet LEDs for bleaching is the possibility to do dental bleaching with light and gel and only with light. This presentation will show clinical cases using both methods.  Conclusion It is a new option in dental bleaching, without producing either heat or sensitivity, with comfort and safety for the patient and professional.