Fatme Mouchref Hamasni

Assistant Professor, Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Lebanese University

 Dr. Moushref Hamasni is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Lebanese University.and former chariperson and program director of the postgraduate program at the same department.

She is the founding member and current President of the Lebanese Society of Periodontology.

Dr. Moushref Hamasni has lectured at more than 150 conferences and courses in several national and international scientific congresses on various topics in Periodontics and Implantology and has many scientific publications these fields. She is a fellow of the International College of Dentists, ITI and SENAME boad in Lebanon.

Lecture title: Periodontal and Peri‐Implant Diseases and Conditions: Where Do We Stand in 2019?

Lecture abstract:Periodontitis is characterized by non-reversible tissue destruction resulting in progressive attachment loss, eventually leading to tooth loss. It is estimated that severe periodontitis which is the sixth most prevalent disease of mankind affects 11% of the  world population with prevalence increasing by age. On the other hand, in daily practice, osseointegrated dental implants have become a popular modality of treatment for the replacement of lost teeth, when used to support various types of dental prostheses, functional implants become subject to variable complications which may disrupt the host response at the implant–mucosa interface. Several classifications were published in order to facilitate the diagnosis of different diseases and to help clinician performing an appropriate treatment approach. The aim of this communication is to update knowledge related to different periodontal and peri-implant diseases based on the consensus of the World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri‐implant Diseases and Conditions co‐sponsored by the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) and the European Federation of  Periodontology (EFP) and published in 2018.