Francesco Mangani
MD, DDS, Professor

Department of Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry, Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy

Prof. Mangani is chairperson of the Department of Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry at Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy. He is the President Elect and an active member of the Italian Academy of Conservative and Restorative Dentistry (AIC), and the past president and member of the Italian Society of Conservative Dentistry (SIDOC). In addition, he is an active member of the Italian Society of Endodontics (SIE), the Academy of R.V.Tucker Study Clubs, the Gold Foil Operators, an affiliate member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED) and fellow of the International Academy of Dental-Facial Esthetic. He has authored 200 scientific publications and more than 80 abstracts research sessions in conservative dentistry and endodontics.

He is the author of five books:

  • Textbook for Dental Morphology Design (Martina Ed 1999)                       
  • Conservative Restoration of Anterior Teeth (Promoden ACME  2004)      
  • Conservative Aesthetic Restorations for Endodontically Treated Posterior Teeth. A    Multimedial book” (UTET 2008)    
  • indirect Conservative Restoration of Posterior Teeth (UTET 2008)
  • Guidelines for Adhesive Dentistry : the Key to Success, A multimedial book (Quintessence International Publishing Group 2009)

He is also author of the chapters:

  • “Gold Castings” in the book "Odontoiatria Conservatrice" (Grandini R. – Rengo S. – Stromenger L.) Edizioni UTET Torino (1999)                                                                   
  •  “Post-Endo restorations” in the book “Endodonzia" (Somma F.) Edizioni Masson Milano (2006)
  • “Adhesion” in the book “Traumatologia Oral” (A. Mendoza – C. Garcia Ballista) – Ed. Ediciones Ergon 2012                          
  • “Minimally Invasive Approach” in the book “Art of Detailing” (Editor R.Romano) - Quintessence International – Berlino 2013

He translated with other authors the last edition (8a) of the book “Pathways of the Pulp” (Cohen-Burns) – Delfino Editore Roma 2008 and the last edition of the book “Dental Caries – the Disease and its Clinical Management" - Delfino Editore Roma 2009.

Operative Dentistry: What a Wonderful World

Operative Dentistry has tremendously evolved in the last 38 years. Nowadays the request for tooth colored restorations and the maintenance of “a nice smiling” represents the main desire of our patients.

Predictable and repeatable results can be achieved through materials and clinical practices that, on one hand, preserve the original structure of the compromised tooth and, on the other hand, involve a very low biologic price.

New technologies for dentino-enamel adhesion and the continuous evolution of more sophisticated esthetic materials such as composite and porcelain allow to reach effective and predictable results.

Very often, in congresses, courses Social Network as Facebook, that should be correctly called Facetooth, we assist to something more similar to “a dental show” than to “dental medicine”!

People seem to be more concentrated on the quality of the images, the definition of the movies, showing “seductive minimally invasive” clinical cases that do not respect the fundamentals of Operative Dentistry and many times hide a lot of mistakes behind the word “ADHESION” .

This lecture points out the relevant guidelines for both direct and indirect esthetic restorations through the evaluation of techniques and materials in order to reach correct, standardized and long-lasting evidence-based clinical results while respecting the principles of biomechanics.