Georges Abi Khalil
Dip. Stomatol., PhD

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Lebanese University

Dr. Abi Khalil received a Diploma of Stomatology from the University of Saint Petersburg, Russia followed by a PhD in Maxillofacial Surgery.

He currently teaches at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Lebanese University. He is member of the Arab Board Examination Committee for the candidates in Maxillofacial Specialty and current President of the Lebanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

Management and Surgical Repair of Condylar Fracture

Mandibular condylar fractures occur in about a third of mandibular fractures and treatment options include surgical and non-surgical approaches for unilateral and bilateral condylar fractures in patients of many age or gender. Surgical repair of condylar fracture must follow 3 rules - precise reduction, reliable fixation and minimal damage. Different surgical approaches are performed in this presentation the retromandibular and the preauricular are the most common.