Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Lille II -- Assistant Professor, Paris Hospitals, Dental School, Paris VII

Dr. Georges Khoury is the current President of International College of Bone Surgery (ICBS), past President of PEERS (Sirona/Dentsply France), past- President of the French Society of Aesthetic Dentistry (SFDE). He is Member of the French Association Of Oral Implantology (AFI) and an Associate Fellow of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID).

Lecture 1 title: Bone Regeneration : Where Are We?

Lecture 1 abstract:  Bone augmentations are widely use in oral surgery due to a better developpement of biomaterials and membranes.

The gold standard still autogenous bone but it’s rarely used and it’s becoming an exceptional treatment. Certainly we can always consider that autogenous bone is not promoted by any commercial compagny, but how today we will use it for a sinus lifting grafting, knowing that it was the standard treatment during 1990?

Autogenous bone is known for the induction factors that still giving this advantage in terms of primary integration, but who among us did not find resorption occurs with his own cases.

What if the answer was in cellular mimicry? Could this explain the strong resorption of predominantly spongy bones compared to bones with high mineral density? Is not this same density available in some biomaterials? Of course, the latter lacks the organic component of collagen and non-collagenic proteins are platelet factors able to provide this induction supplement and compensate for the absence of certain factors? So many questions that I will try to expose by the identification of the main components of the autologous bone and its possible availability in different biomaterials. The latter by their association are already able to bring effective responses to a panel of bone defects more and more extensive.

lecture 2 title: The Collagenous Matrix in Bone Augmentation

lecture 2 abstract:  Some biomaterials include in their composition a structural or added collagen matrix. This matrix is also present in autologous bone, conferring it with increased tolerance and incorporation properties. It represents about 30% of the native bone structure. Its presence in biomaterials facilitates its implementation and the cohesion of particles in a large number of indications, while potentiating its incorporation.

We go through clinical cases such sinus-lifting or vertical bone augmentation and horizontal bone augmentation, exposing the benefits of this collagen matrix, both in terms of vascular induction and dimensional stability.