Georges Tehini

Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Lebanese University

Georges Tehini graduated from Saint-Joseph University in 1988 with a Doctorate in Dental Surgery (DDS) degree. In 1990, he received a Certificate in Advanced Graduate Studies (CAGS) in Prosthodontics from Boston University, then in 1992 a Master of Sciences in Dentistry (M.Sc.D) in Prosthodontics from the same university.

Dr. Tehini has a long academic history that started in 1992 in Saint-Joseph University than in 1993 in the Lebanese University. He occupied the position of Director of the post-graduate prosthodontics division and of Chairman of the prosthetic department for many years. He is an international lecturer and was sponsored by many institutions and companies. He conducted also many researches and published in several international journals.

Lecture title: Retention and Wear of Locator Attachments in Implantology

Lecture abstract: Limited information is currently available relative to the various factors affecting retention and wear of Locator attachments. Articles found in the literature cover some aspects of the problem but not all of them. In this lecture, we will present an interesting new theme that seems to have a direct effect on retention and wear; Chewing and masticatory loading. While all researchers pointed out the complexity of the wear process, our study contributes in the understanding of the involved factors and helps in decreasing the maintenance demands of the Locator Attachments.