Jan Paulics

Private Practice, Sweden

Dr. Jan Paulics received his DDS from Karolinska Institute, Stockholm in 1993. He has practiced in both municipal and private dental clinics specializing in implant surgery and dentoalveolar surgery - with a focus on prosthetic driven surgery using digital planning tools and surgical guides for the past 10 years. Jan specializes in advanced digital workflows for dental practices and laboratories developing methods and cost-effective solutions. Jan has worked for the Swedish state as project manager for acquiring and implementing practice management solutions as well as being involved in the selection of digital imaging solutions for its dental practitioners. Most recently working as an oral surgeon for the Eastman Institute in Stockholm, Jan is currently an Application Specialist at 3Shape. He continues to lecture for implant manufacturers and dental laboratories.

Title 1: Advanced Features of the Intra-Oral Scanner Allowing the Dentist to Excel in Accuracy and Aesthetics

Abstract 1: A presentation of the benefits with digital impressions. See a comparison to the old analog techniques and what you can do today that wasn’t even possible before. A walk-thru of the Workflows in intra oral scanning.

Learning Objectives:

  • To understand the benefits with digital impressions.
  • To know the possibilities of advanced intra oral scanning.

Title 2: New Opportunities for your Dental Practice with Intraoral Scanning, Digital Implant Planning and Surgical Guides

Abstract 2: See a presentation of the benefits with digital impressions especially in conjunction with guided prosthetics.  See a comparison to the old analog techniques and what you can do today that wasn’t even possible before. Principles and case presentation.

Learning Objectives:

  • To understand the benefits with digital impressions.
  • To know the possibilities of planning and producing surgical guides in your own clinic.

Workshop Title: Implant Retained Digital Dentistry

Workshop Abstract: This is an intensive training program and will provide a practical insight into the most current digital techniques supporting full end to end workflows for implant retained restorations. The workflow including intraoral scanning, implant planning, CAD Design incorporating 3Shape Smile Design concept and manufacturing will be demonstrated in detail accompanied by practical hands-on workshops.

Hands-on workshops will cover the following exercises:

  • Intraoral scanning and utilization of CT scan data
  • Digital implant treatment planning
  • Take the surgical guide from virtual design to 3D printed product
  • Guided surgery protocols and model workshop.