Lakshman Samaranayake

Visiting Professor, Sharjah University College of Dental Medicine, UAE Professor Emeritus, and Immediate Past Dean of Dentistry, University of Hong Kong, China

Lakshman `Sam` Samaranayake, the Vice-Dean of the College of Dental Medicine, University of Sharjah, UAE is a multi-talented clinical academic with expertise in clinical research, senior executive level administration, and pedagogy, including educational methodology. The author of over 450 communications cited over 20,000 occasions (H-index 78) he has served for over 12 years as the Executive Dean of two major dental schools in Hong Kong (considered #1 ranking school globally), and Australia, at the Universities of Hong Kong and Queensland, respectively. Over the years he has received numerous accolades and honors for his research and contributions to dentistry including the coveted King James IV Professorship of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Doctor of Science, and honorary fellowships from the royal Colleges of Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Hong Kong.

Title 1: Oral Microbiome and Systemic Health: Unraveling Fact from Fiction

Abstract 1: Oral microbiome is the term given to the totality of organisms and their resident oral ecosystem.   Biofilms are an integral component of the oral microbiome. The two commonest human afflictions and the primary diseases of the oral cavity, caries and periodontal disease, are caused by oral biofilms – traditionally called dental plaque. There is a growing body of data that periodontal biofilms related diseases, can have profound effects on total health and longevity including atherosclerotic vascular disease, adverse pregnancy outcomes, diabetes and, pulmonary disease.  New data indicate that kidney disease and pancreatic cancer and indeed oral cancer may have associations with oral biofilms. This presentation will provide a state-of–the art overview of the oral microbiome in health and disease and how to unravel `fact from fiction` in the literature. The clinical relevance of the new data for the patient and the practitioner will also be discussed.

Title 2: New Infections and Infection Control in Dentistry: Current Perspectives

Abstract 2: Although transmission of infectious agents among patients and dental health care workers in dental settings is rare there are still reports of such incidences.  Notable breaches in basic infection prevention procedures include unsafe injection practices, failure to heat sterilize dental hand pieces, and failure to monitor autoclaves. These reports highlight the need for comprehensive training to improve and vigilance in maintaining the highest standards of care in dental practices. Moreover, the unrelenting emergence of new infectious disease emphasizes the need for keeping up with such information. This presentation will review the current basic infection control practices in dentistry and provide a glimpse of the new infections extant in the global community that may impact infection control in dental practice.