Mona Sayegh Ghoussoub

Chief of Clinical Services, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial

Dr. Sayegh Ghoussoub graduated from Saint-Joseph University, Beyrouth- Lebanon. She earned a certificate in Orthodontics “Certificat d’Etudes Cliniques Spéciales Mention Orthodontie” (CECSMO) from Paris VII- University. In 1989, she obtained a diploma DU ODMF from Paris-VI University. In parallel, she achieved two certificates: CES A in 1988 (Biologie de la bouche- Anatomo-physiologie) and CES B in 1989 (Orthopédie dento-faciale) from Paris-V University, France.

Presently, she is senior instructor in the didactic and clinical teaching (Under and Postgraduate program) at the Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics in the Lebanese University where she is former Head of Services and former Postgraduate Program Director.

She is current President of the Lebanese Orthodontic Society (LOS) and member of the World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO).

She   has   published   several   papers   in   the   field   of   orthodontics   in international peer-reviewed journals and has held several national and international conferences.

Her private practice is limited to Orthodontics and Dentofacial  Orthopedics.

Lecture title: New Cephalometric Landmarks Identification in Rapid Maxillary Expansion

Lecture abstract: The earliest report of maxillary expansion was in 1860 by Emerson Colon Angell, who claimed to have achieved opening of midpalatal suture and described a gap between the maxillary central incisors. Although the technique was discredited at that time, Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME) became commonly used only after the second half of the 20th century with the landmark study conducted by Haas. This procedure is recommended for increasing maxillary arch width deficiency, correction of unilateral or bilateral crossbite, reducing nasal resistance to provide a normal breathing pattern, and mobilization of the maxillary sutures to facilitate correction of a Class II or Class III malocclusion. For several decades, two-dimensional (2D) cephalometric radiographs have been used successfully in orthodontics to diagnose and treat malocclusions. Despite its efficiency, it does present some shortcomings and limitations. Moreover, the introduction of CBCT in dental radiology and its various implementation for many clinical applications in dentistry has stimulated interest in using 3D cephalometric analysis for routine orthodontic cases. Therefore, a novel cephalometric approach using 3D surface model reconstruction, digitization and identification of landmarks and reference planes will be presented to demonstrate the effect of RME on the different anatomic structures especially at the temporomandibular joint region.