Ramzi Haddad
BDS, Res Ortho, DESS, MS

Assistant Professor, Division of Orthodontics, American University of Beirut

Dr. Ramzi Haddad is an Assistant Professor at  the division of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Head and Neck Surgery Department at the American University of Beirut.

Dr. Haddad earned his dental degree and a Graduate Diploma in Oral Biology from the Lebanese University. He completed a postgraduate residency in Orthodontics at AUBMC combined with a Diploma in Orthodontics from the Lebanese University. He holds a Master of Sciences in Human Morphology from AUB’s Faculty of Medicine. 

Dr. Haddad is an active member in several international and local societies, mentioning the American Association of Orthodontists, World Federation of Orthodontists, International Association of Dental Research, Lebanon Association of Dental Research, International College of Dentists and Angle Orthodontics Society-East component, USA.

Dr. Haddad’s academic portfolio includes scientific publications in peer journals and lectured in several local and international meetings.

Lecture title: The Orthodontic-Periodontal Interface

Lecture abstract: In this present era, the importance of dental multidisciplinary treatment is crucial. The orthodontic–periodontics interdisciplinary approach is almost unavoidable due to several factors: 1- Orthodontic treatment sometimes results in undesirable periodontal changes; 2- Orthodontics has been used as an adjunct treatment to periodontics and vise-versa; 3- The increasing demand for adult orthodontics, where periodontal problems might contribute to the development of malocclusion.