Roeland De Moor
MSc, PhD, Professor

Ghent University, Belgium

Prof. dr. Roeland De Moor earns a MSc Paediatric Dentistry & Traumatology and MSc in Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry. He is ordinary full Professor at the Ghent University (UGent - Belgium), head of the research cluster of the Section of Endodontics / Department of Oral Health Sciences, director of the three-year Master after Master programme in Endodontics, and guest professor at the Medical University of Vienna – University Clinic of Dentistry.

The research of his group is focussed on root canal cleaning and disinfection a.o. with laser activated irrigation and light activated nanoparticles, the use of lasers and light in endodontics such as Laser Doppler Flow Metry and dental laser bleaching. Research is also conducted in the field of endodontic quality, minimal invasive restorative and endodontic techniques, the use of bioactive materials in endodontics and the build-up of root canal treated teeth. His referral based clinical practice is focused on second and third line (paediatric) endodontics, dental traumatology, judicial orofacial damage assessment and dental laser bleaching.

Prof. De Moor lectures worldwide on the use of light and lasers in endodontics, root canal irrigation and disinfection, on dental laser bleaching, and on the application of nanotechnology for endodontic purposes. He is (co)author of more than 150 international peer reviewed articles. He has published 20 book chapters and (co)-edited three books. He is also member of the editorial board of the International Endodontic Journal, Journal of Endodontics, Journal of Adhesive Dentistry.

Title 1: The Evolution of the Bubble: New Fronteers for Laser Activated Irrigation

Abstract 1: Today, extensive knowledge has been gained in the field of erbium laser induced cavitation. Whereas the focus was on primary bubbles in the past, the impact of secondary bubbles on fluid agitation has become more important. This allows to hold the fiber at the level of the pulp chamber, and no longer in the canal. The optodynamic efficacy, now,  comes from enhanced  pressure waves travelling at shock speeds to create shear flows (thanks to longer oscillation times of secondary cavitation bubbles) in stead of coming from the shock waves that can be created during the implosion of the primary bubbles.

Title 2: Lasers in Endodontics for Root Canal Cleaning and Disinfection – a Critical Appraisal

Abstract 2: The clinical application of lasers in endodontics started in the late 90s. In that period, delivering the laser light up to the radicular apex, conventionally one millimetre from the anatomic apex, required the use of fibres or tips with a thin (narrow) diameter (generally 200-300 microns) that were flexible and resistant to negotiate the anatomical curvatures of dental roots with minimal risk of breakage. This approach required helical (circular or spiral) movement of the fibre, in order to increase the irradiation angle between laser fibre and dentin surface, trying to improve the angle (directionality) and energy diffusion. This technique is suitable for most wavelengths used in dentistry in the visible (532nm / KTP), in the near-infrared (from 810 to 1340 nm / Diodes - Nd:YAG - Nd:YAP), and medium-infrared (2780 nm / Er,Cr:YSGG and 2940 nm / Er:YAG) electromagnetic spectrum. This technique is what we call “conventional laser endodontics”: the spiral motion of a laser fibre in a dried canal.

Almost ten years later the activation of irrigation solutions with Erbium lasers was introduced. This was the beginning of the era of “laser activated irrigation” (LAI), with a fibre in the irrigation solution and inducing fluid streaming based on the creation of cavitation bubbles. Also here there was a rapid evolution. At present two approaches are possible i.e. (1) conventional LAI (with the fibre still in the root canal lumen) and (2) the PIPS approach with the fibre in the pulp chamber activating the irrigation solution in the root canal.

The aim of this presentation is (1) to clarify the difference in laser-target interaction of these techniques as all approaches are temperature driven, (2) to evaluate the value-added cleaning and disinfection of the 3 different approaches, (3) to highlight how laser use, though depending on the wavelength, can make the difference with the current non-laser based cleaning and disinfection protocols and finally (4) may satisfy the needs of modern endodontics.