Ronald Younes

Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Saint-Joseph University of Beirut

Dr. Ronald Younes is a graduate Doctor in Dental Surgery of Saint-Joseph University of Beirut, Faculty of Dental Medicine, in Lebanon. He graduated with an advanced certificate in Periodontics, Prosthodontics and Oral Surgery, and with a University Diploma in Implantology and Periodontology from Paris (5, 6 and 7) universities. He earned a Masters of Research in Oral Biology, and holds a PhD degree from Saint-Joseph University of Beirut.

Currently, Dr Younes is currently the Head of Oral Surgery Department at Saint-Joseph University of Beirut and the Director of the University Diploma in Advanced Implant Surgery, member of the Research Committee and the Continuing Education Committee at the same University.

He is a founding member and the President of the Lebanese Society of Oral Surgery and past Scientific Chairman of the Lebanese Dental Association. He is also ITI and EAO member. He is a part-time researcher at University of Paris 13.

He is an international lecturer and author of several indexed publications in implant dentistry, bone and tissue regeneration and innovative oral surgery techniques. He is the Editor/Author of the best-seller book: “Sinus Grafting Techniques- A step-by-step guide” edited by Springer International Publishing (2015- Switzerland).

His main interests are bone augmentation surgery, aesthetic implant dentistry, and mucogingival surgery.

He maintains in Beirut a private practice limited to Oral Surgery, Dental Implants, and Periodontology.

Lecture title: Future Directions in Bone Reconstruction of the Upper Maxilla

Lecture abstract:  Placement of endosseous implants in the edentulous atrophic maxilla is often difficult because of a lack of supporting bone. Sinus augmentation procedures (both lateral and crestal) have been extensively used in the molar area and showed predictable long-term results. However, today, the clinician should deal with many challenging clinical situations in the premolar area as well as the esthetic anterior zone and should offer his patients long-term predictable implant rehabilitation. Therefore, a careful pre-operative assessment of numerous clinical and radiological parameters is needed to assess the proper bone reconstruction technique.

Numerous innovative technical variations will be discussed including GBR, onlay 2D/3D blocks and Horizontal segmental osteotomy. A key aim of this lecture is to assist the practitioner in selecting the appropriate bone augmentation technique based on the evaluation of a number of parameters that are described in detail and codified in a simple and practical way.