Samir Nammour
DDS, MSc, PhD, Agr.

Professor, Department of Dental Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Liege, Belgium General Director, European Master: “Oral Laser Applications” (EMDOLA) Chairman, International relations and legal affairs, World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD)

Prof. Nammour is a professor at the Dental School of the University of Liege. A specialist in lasers in dentistry, he served as president of the World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD) and currently he is the director of the European Masters Degree in Oral Laser Applications program.

Title 1: Use of Laser in Dental Prosthetic Surgery

Abstract 1: The use of laser beam in oral surgery has several advantages: bloodless surgery, no scar formation, no need for suture, immediate decontamination of the surgical site, good visibility of the surgery field, fast work, positive psychological impact on patients, etc. 

The use of laser in prosthetic surgery is helpful. The no need for suturing avoids anatomical distortions of surgical sites. The low inflammatory reaction reduces the post- surgical discomforts and patient complaints. Several clinical cases (Prosthetic Fibroma, Floated ridge, vestibular lengthening …) will be showed and discussed step by step.  The beam diameter is 0.1 mm, which allows high precision during the dissection of oral tissues.

Title 2: Lasers –assisted Periodontal Treatments and Periimplantitis

Abstract 2: In addition to conventional treatment modalities (mechanical and chemical), the use of different lasers has been increasingly proposed for the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant infections. Preliminary results from both basic studies and controlled clinical trials have pointed to a high potential of Diode and Er:YAG lasers. Irradiation with these specific wavelengths seems to provide a bactericidal effect against periodontopathic bacteria, a reduction of lipopolysaccharides, and a high ability of bacterial biofilm and calculus removal. Recent clinical results have also indicated that non-surgical and surgical treatment of periodontitis and peri-implantitis with laser may lead to significant clinical improvements as evidenced by bleeding on probing, probing depth reduction and gain of clinical attachment.

The aim of the present lecture is to evaluate, based on the currently available evidence, the use of laser for treatment of different periodontal diseases and specially periodontitis and peri-implantitis and to indicate its potential as a new treatment modality.