Sara Moussa

Clinical Instructor, Department of Oral Medicine and Maxillofacial Radiology, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Lebanese University

Dr. Moussa earned the diploma of Bachelor in Oral and dental surgery from Beirut Arab University, followed by a postgraduate diploma in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology from the Lebanese University, Faculty of Dental Medicine and a University Diploma in CBCT from University of Toulouse in France. She also received a Master degree in Neuroimaging from the Lebanese University, Faculty of Medical Sciences. Dr. Moussa is currently a Clinical Instructor at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Lebanese University and she maintains a private practice in Beirut, Lebanon.

Lecture title: A Radiological Based Diagnostic Algorithm for Detecting Pathologies Associated with Radiopaque Components

Lecture abstract: A systematic approach for evaluation of radiopaque jaw lesions is mandatory to reach a meaningful differential diagnose of the lesion. Many jaw lesions resemble each other radiographically, making them difficult to diagnose correctly.

Focusing on the patient's history, along with an analytical approach to radiographs, helps to narrow the differential diagnosis by categorizing the lesions according to its position, relationship to the adjacent structure size, shape…These basic observations are essential to the evaluation of any type of jaw lesion.

The aim of this lecture is to formulate new proposal algorithm in order to assist dental practitioners in performing differential diagnosis based on the patient radiographs and his clinical assessment. This algorithm will be done by showing a series of case reports of different pathologies associated with radiopaque components describing their radiological features combined with the clinical approach.