Shanon Patel
BDS, MSc, MClinDent, MRD, PhD, FDS, FHE

King’s College London Dental Institute, United Kingdom

Dr PateI divides his time between working in a large multi-disciplinary specialist practice in central London, and teaching Endodontics in the Postgraduate Unit at King’s College London Dental Institute. His PhD thesis assessed the use of CBCT in the management of Endodontic problems. He is actively involved in research and have (co-)supervised over 50 Masters and PhD students. The direct synergy between his clinical practice, and the innovative approach to his research has resulted in publishing clinically relevant, high impact papers. Dr Patel has published over 70 papers and 3 National and European guidelines in dental imaging, and co-authored 5 textbooks which have been translated into 4 different languages.  His current clinical research themes include dental trauma, microbiology, cone beam CT, endodontic treatment outcome and bioceramic endodontic materials.

Title 1: Cone Beam CT in Endodontics

Abstract 1: One of the most important stages in diagnosis and management of endodontic problems is radiographic examination. However, conventional radiographic techniques have certain limitations.

This lecture will review these limitations, and how cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) technology can be applied to overcome some of the shortcomings of conventional radiography to improve the management of complex endodontic problems.

The objectives of this presentation are to understand:

  • the limitations of radiographs
  • three-dimensional imaging (CBCT)
  • applications of CBCT in Endodontics.

Title 2: External Cervical Resorption-Diagnosis and Treatment

Abstract 2: Over the last 2 decades External Cervical Resorption (ECR) has attracted increased interest, this in part due the improved radiographic detection with CBCT. The effective management of ECR depends on accurate diagnosis and assessment of the true nature and accessibility of ECR.

Using the latest evidence, the aim of this presentation is to:

  • describe the clinical & radiographic features of ECR,
  • explain the impact of CBCT in improving the accuracy of diagnosis,
  • explain a clinically relevant new 3D classification of ECR,
  • describe the management strategies for ECR.