Wilhelm Pertot

Rey Juan Carlos University, France

Dr Wilhelm – Joseph Pertot graduated from Saint-Joseph University in 1988. He earned a certificate in the biology of oral structures from Marseille in 1989, then his Master in Endodontics in 1991, followed by a Diplôme d’Études Approfondies. In 1996, he obtained a PhD from Marseille Dental School, for his research on growth factors and bone healing.

Dr. Pertot was nominated assistant-professor in 1991 and was promoted senior lecturer in 1994. From 1992 to 1998, he has been co-director of the graduate program in Endodontics in Marseille Dental School. He served as visiting academics at Warwick post-graduate program from 2012 to 2015. He currently lectures at the post-graduate program of Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid) and is clinical teacher at the post-graduate European endodontic program of Paris 7 University.

Dr. Pertot has more than 55 published papers on different clinical and research topics in French and international journals and has given more than 550 lectures and hands-on courses in congresses and dental schools, before specialists and general dentists, both nationally and internationally. He has published 3 books and maintains a private practice limited to Endodontics in Paris.

Shaping Canals using WaveOne Gold in Reciprocation

Even though the objectives of endodontics have remained unchanged for the past half century, the evolution in techniques and technology in the last 15 years have made endodontic treatments more reliable and predictable.

Amongst these evolutions, the introduction of nickel-titanium instruments in 1995 has revolutionized the shaping procedure.  Most of the instruments on the market feature a constant taper and are used in a continuous rotation motion.

In 2000, ProTaper, the first instrument designed with a variable taper, was introduced, and was improved in 2004 and called ProTaper Universal. In 2008, a first article described reciprocation with unequal angles and using Finishing File F2 from the ProTaper system to shape root canals. Three years later, the WaveOne and Reciproc concepts were launched on the market. This unique movement allowed to create a new concept of «single file shaping technique» and proved to be able to shape canals using one file in more than 80% of the cases. This concept introduced simplicity and safety in root canal preparation for general practitioners.

WaveOne Gold is the latest iteration of WaveOne, launched in 2015, after 3 years of further research and development. WaveOne Gold maintains the philosophy of a specifically designed SINGLE Nickel Titanium instrument to shape canals utilizing a reciprocating motion after prior glide path enlargement. WaveOne Gold exhibits advanced heat-treated nickel-titanium alloy, with a newly designed parallelogram cross-section. The system features four optimized tip diameters to cover a broader range of canal morphologies, reduced tapers to fulfill the requirements of minimally invasive endodontics and offering better flexibility and more resistance to cyclic fatigue.

The new WaveOne Gold improves safety and efficiency when shaping canals, allowing 3D disinfection and obturation.

In the majority of cases, only a single WaveOne Gold Primary file is needed thus reducing the number of instruments in any given sequence to an absolute minimum.  The influence of the reciprocation motion and of the single file shaping techniques on cyclic fatigue of instruments, on root canal transportation, debris extrusion, dentinal cracks, and cleanliness of the root canal system will be discussed. A link will be done between the scientific studies and their impact on the clinical root canal procedure, with a discussion of clinical tips through different clinical cases and videos.

Workshop: The Latest Reciprocating WaveOne Gold files for Shaping Canals

WaveOne Gold is the latest iteration of WaveOne, launched in 2015, after 3 years of research and development. WaveOne Gold maintains the philosophy of a specifically designed SINGLE Nickel Titanium instrument to shape canals utilizing a reciprocating motion after prior glide path enlargement.

WaveOne Gold exhibits advanced heat-treated nickel-titanium alloy, with a newly designed parallelogram cross-section. The system features four optimized tip diameters to cover a broader range of canal morphologies, reduced tapers to fulfill the requirements of minimally invasive endodontics and offering better flexibility and more resistance to cyclic fatigue.

The new WaveOne Gold improves safety and efficiency when shaping canals, allowing 3D disinfection and obturation.

In the majority of cases, only a single WaveOne Gold Primary file is needed thus reducing the number of instruments in any given sequence to an absolute minimum. The influence of the reciprocation motion and of the single file shaping techniques on cyclic fatigue of instruments, on root canal transportation, debris extrusion, dentinal cracks, and cleanliness of the root canal system will be discussed. A link will be done between the scientific studies and their impact on the clinical root canal procedure, with a discussion of clinical tips through different clinical cases and videos.